Jonathan Oakes is an artist who mainly specialises in painting and drawing. The majority of his artwork is abstract and has been described as having an organic, expressive style with intricate moments. He does however enjoy experimenting with different techniques and themes.
He usually paints with acrylics, mixing media where necessary to achieve his desired outcome. His drawings are generally completed in pen and show an almost etching like quality of strange, imagined figures and subjects. Inspired by twisted trees and early anatomical drawings.
Throughout his life he has been passionate about the natural world and the environment. He is also partially influenced by Taoism, traditional Chinese painting and Japanese Zenga this is reflected in many of his artworks and his personal philosophies. At odds with these natural influences are the years he spent creating digital music in front of a computer, some of his work also reflects this unnatural environment.
Born in 1969 he spent his formative years in Sheffield, U.K. There, as an adult he would spend much of his leisure time walking for hours in the Peak District National Park, filling up on the rugged landscapes. A contrast to the dark, industrial environments he frequented as a welder. He now lives in Gloucestershire, U.K. with his wife and two children.
Discovering his talent for art in his early twenties. He enrolled at university and there he studied Visual Art and Professional Media. After 3 years of painting, ceramics, art history, photography and video art as well as other adventures He graduated in 1998 with a B.A. (hons) degree. In his final year he formed an artist’s group and continued to exhibit his work for the next five years, including four successful exhibitions in St. Ives, Cornwall.
spice rises wants
tummy drum shadow
prone lived state
He then worked as a freelance Graphic Designer, frequently exhibiting his artwork. In 2001 he completed a Master’s Degree in Electronic Media. He took a break in 2004 from exhibiting and painting to allow himself to focus on his music career. Channelling his creative energies into producing original digital music. All this digital despair cannot replace the effort and joy of physical painting and drawing. He is now finally able to return to his great passion, physically painting original artworks.