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I am not normally the one for painting landscapes.

You will not find me with an easel on a hilltop or with a watercolour set beside the seaside beside the sea, and I would certainly not try and replicate a sunset from a photograph.

However I now find myself exhibiting two landscape (of sorts) paintings in two separate exhibitions, both in South Yorkshire!

I am not complaining, it's just funny how things workout. The Curators of the Galleries have been good enough to have given me the opportunities, and who knows I might dip my toe further into the water, so to speak.

Both Exhibitions run until the end of March and are open Wednesdays - Sundays

D31 Art Gallery Shop

Unit 89

French Gate Shopping Centre

Doncaster, U.K.

W3W= light.refers.again.

Half-Moon, Distant Town

mixed media on photograph

Half-moon distant town: Painted with acrylic over pre-printed photograph, conte crayon and ball point pen is then added to enhance the imagined details. The title is influenced by early paintings of Paul Klee when he spent time in Tunisia, at a point just before he had his light epiphany moment. Orange terracotta represents the colour of stone that can sometimes be found in North Africa towns. Half-moon as the other half is in shadow.


Fronteer Gallery

Unit 4

Craft Workshop Building

Orchard Square

Sheffield, U.K.

S1 2FB

W3W= wrong.lines.gently.

The Story Part 9: Landscape

acrylic & conte crayon on photograph

Number 9 in the titling sequence, this has no bearing on any imagined storyline. Another viewpoint or point of view. Looking over the rolling fields of the agricultural landscape. The Autumnal colours mimic the fading leaves of the surrounding trees. Energy spent and vitality exhausted, welcoming the respite after a draining year. The “story” series of paintings are all created on a black and white photograph that captures a moment in time. The image is then over painted with acrylic and enhanced with natural shaded conte crayon. Trying to connect with a more “primitive” colour scheme, ochres, ash whites and black charcoal.

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Those lovely people at the D31 Art Gallery in Doncaster, U.K

Have given me a featured artist slot on their website for a few months. They will be "presenting me" on various blog posts and social media platforms. A chance to get to know me better!

Any interested parties can read a little more about me and my art and view some more images of my artworks. Please enjoy

Titles of the works in the featured artist page:

Ceasing the Bother from Noisy Pistons

Old Fashioned Instrument

Piston Off

Read Elephant

Clanging Birds

Haus 16

Nod to Klee

Simply too Much Packaging

Read Elephant - Jonathan Oakes 2022

acrylic & pencil on canvas - 100cm x 80cm

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Writer's picture: Jonathan OakesJonathan Oakes

I am taking part in D31 art gallery winter exhibition


3 of my paintings are featured

The exhibition takes place at

13 Scot Lane, Doncaster, UK, DN11EW

18/01/23 - 31/03/23

Lonely Bipeds with Giant Dreams

We are not apart from the environment, we are a part of it. Yet we wander the Earth as lonely bipeds with giant dreams, elegant, haughty and detached. The subtle drawing and tones give this image a light and spacious feeling. The composition suggests the viewer is beneath and looking up at the “bipeds”.

Together When, When Together

A detailed, gentle painting of abstracted tenderness. Painted over a short story co-written by the artist and a close friend. Together when? When together. The suggested forms and colours complement and feed off each other.

After it had Rained

One of my early paintings, I was using a lot of black, white and red at the time. Primitive colours, in a back to basics kind of thought. Short of materials at the time the cotton sheet has a tiny tear, the joint is sealed but it is there. The title comes from a short story written about two friends who rest whilst on a walk. It seemed to fit with the two imagined figures perhaps sheltering.

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