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Four new galleries have been added to my website!

I've had a bit of a re-shuffle and I've added four new galleries to There are also now thirty plus new artworks that have been upload for your viewing pleasure. Some of the artworks's text entries are not just simple statements about colours and forms.

I hope you exploring the new galleries and the new work pleases you.

R.S.N Random Sequence Narrative:

As the images were laid out at random, they started to inform each other, just because of their position in the sequence. I began to read the images as a story or as if they were the chapters in a book. Unrelated non-sequential abstract images. A narrative without a point.

The Story Part 7 Acrylic & conte crayon on Photograph


All artworks displayed in this gallery are 20cm x 29cm or smaller in size

"A bell rings we look away, distracted as always by something other. A ping, a post informing us of a well-being app being available. Just a minute my phone is buzzing, I must see what that is. The message states that it is time for my exercise; I must keep fit, healthy body, healthy mind. When I take my dog for a walk, we don’t talk anymore I’m busy on my phone. My dog’s name is Pavlov."

Focus on

Emulsion, spray paint and conte crayon on photograph

Project 53:

Project 53 mainly consists of A4 sized landscape and portrait orientated artworks of mixed media on paper/ photo collages. Often reworked old thoughts and states of mind.

Looking After The Rabbits

mixed media on paper


This gallery contains a mixture of original drawings.

Abstract representation

Talus Saw

Ballpoint pen on paper

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