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The Blog

Updated: Oct 16, 2022

I should have posted a few days ago with my third instalment of the ongoing saga which are the "Concise, precise perhaps" blogs, but as this title suggests, something popped up!

Namely the lovely people at Direct Art Action invited me to take part in their "Pop Up" Shops

art exhibitions in the centre of Walsall (West Midlands). I am Very grateful and very excited.

Now until end of October

Direct Art Action (pop up shop)

UNIT 33b

The Old Square Shopping Centre



looks-path-cool (or thereabouts with what 3 words)

There will be a broad range of artworks on display and for sale, a great opportunity to see many different and versatile artists in one place a celebration of diversity through art. It may even be a good place to visit to keep cool, as the what 3 words location suggests.

I will be submitting 17 artworks to the Pop Up Project. Personally prepared, polished, printed and packed. Potentially presented perfectly to a perhaps purchasing public. (example below).

Nude (medium photo)

oil pastel & acrylic

on photo collage

(not yet on )

Nude (medium photo) is a bit of a distance from my usual

style. However, it does fit in with a project that bubbles up or rather I dig up from time to time. My "prehistoric" project. I have quite an interest in prehistoric and early cultures and the "art" that was produced at the time. From cave paintings and Australian Aboriginal drawing to Palaeolithic sculptures carved from bone and antler. (A subject for another blog).

The above image is a re-imagining of some of these early sculptures such as "the Venus of Willendorf", Austria. As well as other supposed fertility related images from prehistoric times.

Even more good news! Direct Art Action have been good to me again! They have extended my original exhibition in Sutton Coldfield for another month probably ending mid September.

Direct Art Action UK gallery

210a Parade

(the old BHS store)

Gracechurch Shopping Centre,

Sutton Coldfield,

Birmingham. B72 1PA

Sutton Coldfield and Walsall are practically neighbouring districts of the West Midlands.

Intrepid and brave art adventures on the search for new exciting artworks could potentially make a day of it, there is sure to be something new to discover and perhaps even inspire.

So be there or the Old Square, but do take care.

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In this blog I will hopefully follow on from where I left off /on the other post (Concise, Precise Perhaps? part 1). Although it does not necessarily need to be read after it predecessor.

Emotive language and memory attachable phrases.

One of my favourite artists is the British artist Richard Long, for many years his work has inspired me and has influenced me in the creation of my artworks.

I would like to particularly mention his "prose" or "written art pieces". These were mainly created during his various journeys, usually in wild places. His artworks are his natural responses to his environment (the ‘real’ experience). The emotive power these works create are keys to a hidden or a neglected state of mind. For example he would write down what he saw every hour on a trek across a rocky desert in Boliva. The words then become a narrative, they also become signposts and portals into the artist's state of mind and environment. They help the viewer to imagine themselves in the situation or even a similar self experienced situation. In short we are taken on a thought provoking journey, just by reading a few words that are to a degree, randomly selected.

Walking with the rivers roar

Great Himalayan time

A line of moments

My father

Starlit snow

Human time

Frozen boots

Breaking trail

The circles of a great bird

Countless stones

Happy alert balanced

Paths of shared footmarks

Atomic silence

Sleeping by the rivers roar.

(1983. Himalayas.) (Richard Long)

The viewer is involved in the reading of the text, concentrating on its translation into visuals to enable their understanding, a thing that we all do naturally and the viewer is compelled to finish the reading. The images created in this way differ from one reader to the next, drawing upon their own experiences, involved, rather than passively viewing.

We are almost travelling there with him, feeling the spray of the river as we walk along the path. As we continue along the path, or rather, as it turns out, we read along the passage we are enthralled by the place, realising our position in relation to the surroundings, humbled in the outdoors. The words range from the direct physical, easy association such as "frozen boots". To an almost Zen like "a line of moments" which seems to have a deep philosophical meaning. A beautiful image is pictured with "the circling of a great bird". Long may have chosen the words specifically for their weight or he just described simply what he saw or thought about at that time, it does not matter, it is just the pure simplicity and the beauty of the piece that for me makes it special.

The line "happy alert balanced" seems to sum up the mood and the state of mind in which the art was created. A peace coming from the unconscious, natural state of being created by a person who is a passive element in all this. His surroundings instruct him, this is why his art holds such stillness and a focus. A distinct contrast to our modern-day society with its constant movement and its lack of regard for the natural.


Tummy- Drum- Shadow

(what3words location)

old title: Zen Jetty

photograph (enhanced)

by Jonathan Oakes

see more like this

There is so much more to write on the subject of Concise, Precise Perhaps? I feel that I would be going on too much if I continued on this particular post.

Guess what the next instalment will be called?

That's right: Concise, Precise perhaps or perhaps not? part 3

I will post it in a few days time. Thanks for your understanding. Take care until next time.

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Updated: Oct 16, 2022

Just a short post to remind, that the exhibition

containing 20 plus of my original abstract paintings will be ending at the end of October

The Direct Art Action Gallery in Sutton Coldfield is a wonderfully spacious venue that gives the art exhibited plenty of room and respect.

Direct Art Action UK gallery

210a Parade

(the old BHS store)

Gracechurch Shopping Centre,

Sutton Coldfield,

Birmingham. B72 1PA

what 3 words = demand.famous.animal

open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays

Viewing any hand-made art in a gallery setting is preferable to a digital viewing.

A physical encounter with the art creates a real experience and the viewer may pick up on the energy contained within the art, or at least is more likely to when within its physical presence.

Below are a couple of the works which are featured in the exhibition:

Controlling Musical Machines I

Emulsion, Acrylic & chinagraph pencil on paper

This painting is the first version of “controlling musical machines” which can be of course described as musical instruments. The abstracted figure is stuck, hypnotised in front of a blue light emitting screen. Making slight visual adjustments that affect the noises in the ears. I can’t do anything until you make the noise. We sit in front of a glass screen for instruction, information and experience.


Emulsion, spray paint & conte crayon photographic paper

It is the absence of the story which may turn even a banal detail into a highly charged and evocative symbol. We are always looking for meaning. Emulsion paint is heavily brushed on top of a developed photograph. Spray paint is then sprayed on the drying emulsion. Conte crayon used make marks and also to colour and tone some of the negative spaces.

More original abstract artworks by Jonathan Oakes are available at

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